ISO 14698
Temiz odalar
EN ISO 13485
2016 Tıbbi cihaz kalite yönetim sistemi
CE sertifikası 93/42
eEC cihaz direktifi


Breathing & Anesthesia Circuit, with Limb-O Tubing

In the Limbo breathing circuits, the main corrugated tubing is divided into two equal parts with a seperator (septum), placed through the axis. One section is for inhalation and the other is for exhalation. The air going in and out of the patient use these seperate compartments. This allows heat exchanging between inspirium and expirium; helping lower condensation and reduces the need for heating / cooling the air. Limbo sets are generally used in adult patients and preferred in anesthesia procedures. These sets can be customized with additional accesories to meet the exact requirements of heath professionals.

  • Heat exchange between inspirium and expirium
  • Compact Design
  • Ease of use / single line design
  • Low condensation / low humidity build-up

Limb-O Visuals

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